Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jaxen has made it to 4 lbs!!! Hooray! He has had a bumpy week but he's getting better. He was put back onto a high flow nasal cannula. His Pulmonary Hypertension came back a little bit, so they are treating it with higher oxygen levels. He gets another echo tomorrow, so we'll see how it's looking. Keep our fingers crossed! His eyes are so close to being matured, that the eye doctor said that if everything was fine, and it was his eyes that would be keeping him at the hospital, he said that he could go home, as long as I followed up with him at him office. There are still a few things that need to happen, but I know that Jaxen is a tough little man and we're heading in the right direction. One day and a time, and keep Hope everyday.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Growing Big

On Sunday Night, November 14, 2010, Jaxen weighs 3.9 lbs and is 16 inches long! He is doing good!

Big Boy!

Jaxen was moved into a big boy bed today! He has come so far this last week. It has been both scary and exciting. In the past week, he has moved off of his C-PAP, to a high flow nasal cannula, to just a regular nasal cannula. He is on low oxygen and staying stable. I have started feeling like a real mom. I now get to do two feedings a day with him, and they are talking about moving it up to four! It is so precious holding him and just looking at him. It is so different than the times before. I take it all in, at a lot slower pace. He is beautiful.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jaxen Update

After 4 weeks of being on the ventilator, and finishing all the antibiotics, Jaxen has made it through his bought of pneumonia. He was moved onto the C-PAP machine, and surprisingly, after only two days, he was on a high flow nasal cannula! I couldn't believe it. It seemed way too fast. But he has been doing well, and we will keep hoping that Jaxen keeps in the same direction. He is to 3 lbs. 3oz. He had his first bath on Monday, Nov. 8th. That was a fun experience. He seems like a "real" baby now. And he looks like a baby too!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Feeding Time

This picture was taken on the 19th of October. So it is not an updated picture ( I will get one soon!) He is looking more and more like a healthy little baby. Gaining weight and doing better. (Did I mention he got pneumonia?) Last night he weighed 3 lbs.

Tiny little boy!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I am here in the hospital now waiting to hold my sweet baby again. It has been over a week since the last time. He is 4 weeks old today. He weighs 2 lbs. 13 oz. He is getting big! He is still fighting off the pneumonia, but x-rays show that his lungs are looking better. He is still on the ventilator, and after talking to the Dr. today, it looks like it may be for another week. He will slowly get back up to where he needs to be and continue to get bigger and stronger. He is so sweet and cute. He is a Timothy!